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정연호 기자
정연호 기자
수정 2019-01-28 10:34
입력 2019-01-28 10:12
이미지 확대
An ox is seen on mud after a tailings dam owned by Brazilian miner Vale SA burst, in Brumadinho, Brazil January 27, 2019. 로이터 연합뉴스
An ox is seen on mud after a tailings dam owned by Brazilian miner Vale SA burst, in Brumadinho, Brazil January 27, 2019. 로이터 연합뉴스
브라질 남동부 광업단지에서 댐 붕괴사고가 발생한 지 사흘째인 27일 AFP통신은 사망자가 58명으로 늘어났다고 보도했다.
이미지 확대
This combo of satellite images provided by DigitalGlobe?shows an area northeast of Brumadinho, Brazil on June 2, 2018, top, months before a dam collapsed and covered the area, below, seen on Saturday, Jan. 26, 2019. Brazilian officials suspended the search on Sunday, Jan. 27, for potential survivors of the Jan. 25 dam collapse that has killed at least 40 people amid fears that another nearby dam owned by the same company, Vale, was also at risk of breaching. (DigitalGlobe, a Maxar company via AP)/2019-01-28 AP 연합뉴스
This combo of satellite images provided by DigitalGlobe?shows an area northeast of Brumadinho, Brazil on June 2, 2018, top, months before a dam collapsed and covered the area, below, seen on Saturday, Jan. 26, 2019. Brazilian officials suspended the search on Sunday, Jan. 27, for potential survivors of the Jan. 25 dam collapse that has killed at least 40 people amid fears that another nearby dam owned by the same company, Vale, was also at risk of breaching. (DigitalGlobe, a Maxar company via AP)/2019-01-28 AP 연합뉴스
이미지 확대
Firefighters search for bodies in the region of Corrego do Feijao in Brumadinho, two days after the collapse of a dam at an iron-ore mine belonging to Brazil‘s giant mining company Vale near the town of Brumadinho, state of Minas Gerias, southeastern Brazil, on January 27, 2019. - Communities were devastated by a dam collapse that killed at least 37 people at a Brazilian mining complex -- with hopes fading for 250 still missing. A barrier at the site burst on Friday, spewing millions of tons of treacherous sludge and engulfing buildings, vehicles and roads. (Photo by Douglas Magno / AFP)/2019-01-28 AFP 연합뉴스
Firefighters search for bodies in the region of Corrego do Feijao in Brumadinho, two days after the collapse of a dam at an iron-ore mine belonging to Brazil‘s giant mining company Vale near the town of Brumadinho, state of Minas Gerias, southeastern Brazil, on January 27, 2019. - Communities were devastated by a dam collapse that killed at least 37 people at a Brazilian mining complex -- with hopes fading for 250 still missing. A barrier at the site burst on Friday, spewing millions of tons of treacherous sludge and engulfing buildings, vehicles and roads. (Photo by Douglas Magno / AFP)/2019-01-28 AFP 연합뉴스
통신에 따르면 이날 미나스제라이스주(州) 민방위대 대변인인 플라비우 고지뉴 중령은 “수색작업 결과 인명피해가 늘어 지금까지 58명이 죽고 305명이 실종된 것으로 확인됐다”고 밝혔다. 고지뉴 중령은 이날 버스 한 대 안에서 시신 여러 구가 발견됐다고 설명했다.
이미지 확대
Firefighters searching for bodies at the Mina do Cafe dam had to immediately leave the area when the water level suddenly rose, near the town of Brumadinho in southeastern Brazil, on January 26, 2019. - Hopes were fading Saturday that rescuers would find more survivors from at least 300 missing after a dam collapse at a mine in southeastern Brazil, with nine bodies so far recovered. (Photo by Douglas Magno / AFP)/2019-01-27 AFP 연합뉴스
Firefighters searching for bodies at the Mina do Cafe dam had to immediately leave the area when the water level suddenly rose, near the town of Brumadinho in southeastern Brazil, on January 26, 2019. - Hopes were fading Saturday that rescuers would find more survivors from at least 300 missing after a dam collapse at a mine in southeastern Brazil, with nine bodies so far recovered. (Photo by Douglas Magno / AFP)/2019-01-27 AFP 연합뉴스
이번 사고는 지난 25일 벨로오리존테 근교의 자원개발업체 발레(Vale) 소유 광산에서 발생했고, 이로 인해 광산 시설과 인근 부르마지뉴 마을의 농경지 일대가 진흙더미에 묻혔다. 붕괴사고가 난 댐은 42년 전에 오염수 등 광산 폐기물 저장용으로 설치된 높이 약 86m짜리 댐이다.

브라질 광산 댐의 붕괴가 일어난 지 사흘째를 맞고 있지만 접근이 어려운 지형 때문에 실종자 수색은 더디기만 하다. 그리고 댐에서 쓸려 내려온 흙탕물에는 폐기물과 중금속까지 섞여 있어 생태계까지 위협받고 있는 실정이다. 추가붕괴 조짐이 보여 주민들은 고지대로 이동했고 실종자 수색이 중단되기도 했다.
이미지 확대
A man observes the damages in his house after the disaster caused by the breakage of a dam containing mineral waste from Vale, in Brumadinho, municipality of Minas Gerais, Brazil, 26 January 2019. At least 34 people have died and 300 are missing after the breakdown of the mining giant Vale‘s dam in Brazil, firefighters said this Saturday. One of Vale’s dams, in an iron mine in the jurisdiction of Brumadinho, municipality of Minas Gerais (southeast), broke down this Friday and a river with mineral residues and mud buried the company‘s facilities and various homes in rural areas.  EPA/Antonio Lacerda/2019-01-28 EPA 연합뉴스
A man observes the damages in his house after the disaster caused by the breakage of a dam containing mineral waste from Vale, in Brumadinho, municipality of Minas Gerais, Brazil, 26 January 2019. At least 34 people have died and 300 are missing after the breakdown of the mining giant Vale‘s dam in Brazil, firefighters said this Saturday. One of Vale’s dams, in an iron mine in the jurisdiction of Brumadinho, municipality of Minas Gerais (southeast), broke down this Friday and a river with mineral residues and mud buried the company‘s facilities and various homes in rural areas. EPA/Antonio Lacerda/2019-01-28 EPA 연합뉴스
당초 300여명으로 추정됐던 실종자 수는 500-600명까지 늘어날 수 있다는 전망이 나온 가운데 실종자 가족들의 마음은 타들어만 가고 있다.
이미지 확대
Relatives of the disappeared people react after a dam, owned by Brazilian miner Vale SA, burst in Brumadinho, Brazil January 26, 2019. REUTERS/Adriano Machado/2019-01-27 로이터 연합뉴스
Relatives of the disappeared people react after a dam, owned by Brazilian miner Vale SA, burst in Brumadinho, Brazil January 26, 2019. REUTERS/Adriano Machado/2019-01-27 로이터 연합뉴스
정연호 기자 tpgod@seoul.co.kr
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